Before we start



  • If this is your first claim on this policy, we'll need details of all the vets your pet has visited
  • Vet history and any clinical notes or invoices related to treatment of your pet
  • If your pet was adopted we will need copies of your adoption paperwork

How long will it take?

On average it takes about 10 minutes to lodge a claim

What if I need to stop?

Don't worry - you can save your progress and complete your claim later

You must tell us about the incident and make a claim as soon as possible. By completing this form you must provide us with all given information, written statements and evidence that will help us to investigate the claim. When completing this form you must not give false or misleading information. If you or any other person makes a false or fraudulent claim under your policy we can refuse to pay your claim and may also cancel your policy as allowed by law.

What you must tell us and why:

When you take out, renew, extend or vary your insurance policy with RAC, it’s important you understand you are answering our questions for yourself and anyone else whom you want to be covered by the policy.

You should answer all questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge.

If you breach your duty to us, we may be entitled to refuse to pay your claim, reduce the amount payable for a claim or cancel your policy. If your breach is fraudulent, we can also cancel the policy from the beginning.

If you are unable to complete your claim online, please call us on 13 7202 13 7202

Verify your identity



When did you first visit the veterinary clinic for this claim?
Block (Mandatory)
Your date of birth
Block (Mandatory)

We‘re having trouble matching your policy with the details you’ve provided.

Please try again or call RACQ on 13 7202 to lodge your claim over the phone.

Reference number for internal use: {{}}

Looking good...



Please select how you would like to receive the One Time Passcode
If you don’t have access to the above, please call us on 13 7202 to lodge your claim over the phone.
Reference number for internal use: {{}}

Enter One Time Passcode



Please enter the Passcode you have just received
Note: The Passcode is only active for 10 minutes
Reference number for internal use: {{}}

Select your pet



Policy Option
Reference number for internal use: {{}}

Your saved claims



Select a saved claims to resume
Reference number for internal use: {{}}